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  • Chancellor Gorkon is assassinated and Kirk and McCoy, who had beamed aboard the Klingon ship to help, are arrested and tried and sentenced to life imprisonment on Rura Penthe.

    Revisiting the Movies – Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 2009

  • Chancellor Gorkon is assassinated and Kirk and McCoy, who had beamed aboard the Klingon ship to help, are arrested and tried and sentenced to life imprisonment on Rura Penthe.

    22 « July « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy 2009

  • They were therefore confined no less than they would be at the penal colony in New Zealand, or in the dilithium mines of icy Rura Penthe.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire Michael A. Martin 2010

  • They were therefore confined no less than they would be at the penal colony in New Zealand, or in the dilithium mines of icy Rura Penthe.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire Michael A. Martin 2010

  • They were therefore confined no less than they would be at the penal colony in New Zealand, or in the dilithium mines of icy Rura Penthe.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire Michael A. Martin 2010

  • Luckily the Senate and People of Rome regarded mules as more important than strawberries, so the canal was filled in and the Rosea Rura regained its fertility.

    Antony and Cleopatra Colleen McCullough 2007

  • Because Ventidius was as intelligent as he was hardworking, he made a greater success of his muleteering than some Sabines who had been engaged in the industry for centuries; he even managed to survive those ten hideous years when the lake that fed Rosea Rura grass was drained to provide an irrigation canal for the strawberry farmers of Amiternum.

    Antony and Cleopatra Colleen McCullough 2007

  • That Reate was the center of this industry lay in its situation on the Rosea Rura, a bowl of perfect grazing grass; be it actual fact or mere superstition, everyone believed that mules raised on the Rosea Rura were better than any others.

    Antony and Cleopatra Colleen McCullough 2007

  • That Reate was the center of this industry lay in its situation on the Rosea Rura, a bowl of perfect grazing grass; be it actual fact or mere superstition, everyone believed that mules raised on the Rosea Rura were better than any others.

    Antony and Cleopatra Colleen McCullough 2007

  • Considius said yes; when he died, he willed his five hundred iugera of the Rosea Rura to Ventidius.

    Antony and Cleopatra Colleen McCullough 2007


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  • Adjective.

    the art them of having realistic talent in a un-realistic setting. Example: "i have painted a rura

    July 23, 2024